RZC trustees and officers, staff, and Sangha members are invited to participate in the first ever Uprooting Racism Winter Sangha Retreat to be held at Chapin Mill from Friday, December 1, to Sunday, December 3, 2023.

Here is the schedule of events. Space is limited to fifteen participants. To sign up, please fill out this registration form, and forward it to [email protected] by Monday, November 27. This email address can also be used for questions and requests for further information.

The intent of the Winter Retreat is to provide a supportive and inward-facing opportunity to become more aware of, and responsive, to the impact of systemic racism in all of our lives. Over the course of the weekend, we will use inquiry-focused conversations, small- and whole-group activities, artmaking, and nature-based explorations to examine the connections between anti-racist thought and Buddhist teaching. We will also delve into the ways in which our imposed racial and ethnic identities make it difficult to recognize our interconnectedness and self-imposed separation from others. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, one hour of sitting will be required for all RZC staff, and highly encouraged for all others who attend.

This retreat has been organized by a planning committee which includes Eryl Kubicka, Christopher Maley, Ericka Au, and Sonia James-Wilson, who will also serve as the lead teacher. Dr. James-Wilson has been involved in diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racist work for over 35 years across North America, and in Africa and the Caribbean. She has also been an active Zen practitioner since 2014.

Although the Uprooting Racism Winter Sangha Retreat will not officially begin until 8:30 am on Saturday, December 2, all participants are welcome to arrive at Chapin Mill as early as Friday, December 1 after 5:30 pm. A donation of $15 will be collected on site to help offset the cost of meals, and all participants are asked to bring their own bed linens in an effort to reduce costs and the workload for Chapin Mill staff.